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  • Tipp Today with Fran Curry
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    Wednesday, 09:00 -11:59

Tipperary County Council

Storm Agnes causes power outages across Tipp

ESB crews are working flat out to restore power to customers in Tipperary and across the country as Storm Agnes make its way across...

Clonmel water issues raised in the Dáil once again

Uisce Éireann has come under fire in the Dáil once again over ongoing problems with the water supply in Clonmel. For the second week in...

Call for meeting with TII in relation to road safety issues in Tipperary

A local Councillor is calling for an urgent meeting with the T-I-I about a dangerous stretch of the N24 before there's another death. Fine Gael's...

Social Democrats aiming to build a presence in Tipperary

The Social Democrats are planning on fielding candidates in next year’s Local Elections in Tipperary. The party – which was launched in 2015 – is...

Green Flag Award for Cahir amenity

Cahir's standing as a leading light in promoting biodiversity and nature has been further enhanced. The Inch Field in the South Tipp town has been...

District Manager says Council is considering CPO for Market Place

Tipperary County Council is considering issuing a compulsory purchase order to the owners of Market Place in Clonmel. The site in the centre of the...

Local Councillor wants Tipperary County Council to buy vacant Clonmel site

A Tipperary Councillor wants the local authority to buy Market Place in Clonmel. The retail area in the town has been mostly derelict and boarded...

Councillors welcome review of Tipperary speed limits

The speeds limits of Tipperary's roads won't be changing before next year. Junior Transport Minister Jack Chambers proposed a review in the wake of the...

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