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Tipperary County Council

Broadband Connection Points across Tipperary set to see further investment

At the recent .ie Digital Town awards Tipperary came away with two wins, one of which was the overall title for Clonmel's Smart Skills...

Bank Holiday road safety campaign launched

"Wear Your Seatbelt - It's Not That Hard" is the message for motorists and passengers taking to the roads over the coming days. As we...

Delays in Council taking estates in charge

Tipperary County Council say it is unlikely one local estate will have lights before Winter. At a recent meeting of the Carrick-on-Suir MD there was...

Council takes action on derelict Clonmel hotel site

Tipperary County council has taken steps to address the contentious issue of the Clonmel Arms Hotel. This has been a problem raised time and time...

Council official addresses Oireachtas Committee on Integration and Refugees

A lot more can be done to allay concerns of people in areas where asylum seekers and refugees are to be housed in Tipperary...

Significant majority of Carrick planning applications being granted

In the first few months of the year four new complaints were made in the Carrick-on-Suir District about unauthorized developments. In total between January and...

Council to examine speeding concerns in Thurles estate

A local councillor has called for traffic calming measures at Thurles' biggest housing estate. At this month's meeting of Thurles MD, Councillor Jim Ryan called...

Call for speed restriction at busy N24 junction

A Clonmel councillor wants to extend a speed limit on a section of the N24. Cllr. Michael Murphy has asked that the local authority urgently...

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