On-Air Now

  • Tipp Today with Fran Curry
    Text 083 311 3311
    Call 0818 464 464
    Wednesday, 09:00 -11:59


USI roadshow to highlight consequences of binge drinking.

Programme to visit colleges around the country.

Nenagh CCTV to be operational soon

System likely to be up and running by end of March.

Possible terror threat to UK, US and Canada.

Video shows Islamist militants may attack shopping centres.

Aer Lingus unions to meet with IAG representatives.

Labour leader says no change in party’s position on sale.

Calls to expedite opening of new A&E in Limerick

The Health Minister is being warned that North Tipperary patients are suffering unnecessarily because a failure to speed up the opening of a new Emergency Department in Limerick.

Opinion poll shows Government would not be re-elected

A new opinion poll has brought mixed news for the coalition.

Scheme for local road repairs to be re-introduced

A scheme to allow resident groups in Tipperary apply for grants to carry out local road repairs is being re-introduced.

Recruiting 500 nurses will be difficult, says INMO

The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation says it will be difficult to recruit for the newly announced nursing positions here.

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