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  • Night Moves
    Text 083 311 3311
    Call 0818 464 464
    Sunday, 00:00 -07:59
  • Rewind with Fran Curry
    Text 083 311 3311
    Call 0818 464 464
    Sunday, 07:00 -07:59


Medical card holders to get cut in prescription charges

Possible first step to phasing out fee

Tributes paid to Nicola Kenny

Hundreds gather at today’s funeral

Halligan accuses Government of breaking commitment

Junior Minister “weighing up options”

Garda recruitment numbers announced

Aim to reach force of 15,000

Mixed trolley news for Tipp region

UHL leads country while South Tipp numbers decrease

Dublin Bus drivers state case for pay rise

8.25% offer rejected

Tusk urges May to invoke Article 50

Pair discuss Brexit decision

Study on aging states importance of activity

Survey carried out over past decade

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