Large crowds to march over ownership of Maternity Hospital

Large crowds are expected to march in Dublin this afternoon calling for the new National Maternity Hospital to remain in public ownership.

The Health Minister is facing increased pressure not to hand over the 300 million euro taxpayer-funded building to the Sisters of Charity.

Today’s demonstration is organised by Parents for Choice, Uplift, the National Women’s Council of Ireland and Justice for Magdalenes.

The groups say handing over the ownership of the new National Maternity Hospital – to be built on the campus of St Vincent’s Hospital in Dublin – to a religious order – is a mark of disrespect.

They say that healthcare facilities paid for by the people of Ireland – need to be accountable to – and run by the people of Ireland.

The Minister for Health Simon Harris says giving him an extra month to examine the ownership model of the hospital will get it “absolutely right”.

But he maintains that the current plans would guarantee its autonomy and independence from any religious interference.