47 million to vote in French presidential election today

47 million French voters are taking to the polls this morning in what is said to be the most important presidential elections in decades.

8000 French citizens in Ireland are also due to vote for the French embassy in Dublin and in city Hall, Cork.

The presidential campaign was rocked last Friday night when it was revealed that the campaign of centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron had been hacked.


On Friday evening the campaign of centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron released a statement saying it was the victim of a major hacking incident which involved the leaking of emails and documents as well as the spread of fake information relating to the campaign’s running. It is unclear if the late minute leak will have any impact on today’s vote however.

Pro-EU Macron is facing far-right, euro-sceptic rival Marine Le Pen, in a race that polls say he’ll win 63 per cent of votes to her 37.

Election centers are open until local time 7pm tonight after which an exit poll is due to be released which will give an indication of who will enter the Elysee Palace next.

Meanwhile French president Francois Hollande has vowed to “respond” to the hacking attacks but gave no further detail.