Deal reached on new Greek bailout

It follows lengthy talks about the terms of the agreement – with Germany demanding the Greek government commits to economic reforms.

It's expected the deal will keep the country in the Eurozone – and avoid it going bankrupt.

“An agreement has been reached. Some minor details are being discussed right now,” a Finance Ministry official told reporters after marathon overnight talks between Greece and lenders in Athens.

Greece only has minor details to be ironed out with its creditors to reach a bailout deal, according to Greek finance minister Euclid Tsakalotos.

“Two or three small issues,” are pending with lenders, Mr Tsakalotos said.

An agreement would mark the end of a painful chapter on bailout talks for Greece, which fought against austerity terms demanded by creditors for much of the year before accepting a deal under the threat of being bounced out of the single currency.

A deal for up to €86bn in fresh loans to the debt-stricken nation must be in place by August 20, when the repayment to the ECB is due.