Vintners Federation Calls for Road Map on Pub Openings

There are warnings that 2 out of 3 pubs in Tipperary that remain closed, will go out of business by January.

A survey carried out by the Vintners Federation of Ireland also revealed that 91% of publicans are not happy with the Government’s handling of the crisis and that 60% are now considering closing their business for good.

The federation is calling for a clear road map for pubs to be laid out immediately with a measure of supports for publicans who are struggling as they are forced to stay closed for the foreseeable future.

Speaking on Tipp Today, incoming President of the Vintners Federation of Ireland Paul Moynihan says publicans are under incredible pressure with many pubs reporting debt of almost 3 thousand euro a month which they warn is completely unsustainable.

The Federation is calling for a clear road map on when they can reopen as well as a structure of supports for publicans affected.