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Tipperary County Council

Rate payers encouraged to attend valuation clinics

Rate payers in Tipperary are being urged to attend clinics with any valuation concerns they may have. Concerns over rate liabilities for 2020 were raised...

N24 development plans discussed for Clonmel

There's good news for Clonmel motorists with plans to ease congestion on the by-pass at peak times. A two part plan was put forward at...

Councillor Tom Wood announces retirement from politics

Independent Cashel Cllr Tom Wood has announced his retirement from politics. Cllr Wood was first elected to Cashel Town Council in 1979 and contested 14...

March 4 Tipp group announces candidates for local elections

The March 4 Tipp group has named two of three candidates that it will run for the upcoming local elections. Anne Marie Ryan, a cafe...

Call for upgrade of lighting system at Nenagh Castle

There are calls for a permanent lighting system at Nenagh Castle to ensure it acts as a beacon for the North Tipperary Town. The historic...

Council denies heavy handed approach on rent arrears

Claims that housing officials have been "cold calling" Tipperary council tenants in rent arrears has again been strongly denied. Since the rent review last year,...

Rates re-evaluation causes confusion for Tipp business owners

There appears to be some confusion as to the rates bill being faced by businesses in Tipperary. A re-evaluation is currently underway in the Premier...

Heated debate among councillors on housing

There was heated debate on housing issues at this weeks Clonmel Borough District meeting when hearing from the Housing Directorate. Councillors maintained there was a...

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