Speed control measures need to be implemented at various locations across Tipperary.
That’s the message from Fine Gael Cllr. Mark Fitzgerald who has been asking council officials when progress will be made on the speed review for the county.
A guidance document was due to be drawn up by Government early this year which would dictate how each local authority would proceed, however, this has yet to be published.
Cllr. Fitzgerald told Tipp FM he would like movement on the review as there are a number of towns in the Carrick-on-Suir MD that need traffic calming.
However, he feels it can’t be a one size fits all approach.
“We cant just look at one approach and say look it was done here that is the way it should be done somewhere else. We have to look at all the options, and there are other ways other than speed ramps of slowing traffic and raised platform. You also can narrow the road using footpaths and curbing to give the visual illusion that the road is narrowing which in turn cause the driver to slow a small bit as well. There is also your driver feedback signage that you will see in different villages, like there is different ways and different approaches.”
At the same meeting here were calls for the results of local speed surveys should be published for the public in Tipperary.
Cllr. Kevin O’Meara told a recent meeting of the Carrick-on-Suir MD that when the council carrying out an investigation on an area that has been subject to local concern members of that community should have access to the findings.
Cllr. Fitzgerald agreed stating that often the speeding issue reported in a town is not as grave as suspected- but that residents should be made aware.
He says that responses to speed need to be multi-faceted.
“Where the Gardaí can they are conducting speed traps and they are conducting speed checks and things like but from a county council point of view then is when we try and mitigate that speed and in number of areas across the county and across my district we have managed to get funding through different measures in the last couple of years. Now people were giving out at first about the speed ramps and the severity of them but they were there, that was the whole point to slow down the traffic coming into the village.”