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Tipperary lottery ticket scoops half a million

The holders of a EuroMillions lotto ticket bought in Tipperary collected their half a million Euro winnings today.

Shock at teacher losses in Tipperary school

A Tipperary school is set to lose almost one-third of its teaching staff.

Nenagh Castle to be ready for Presidential visit

Works to Nenagh Castle’s Keep will be completed in time for a visit by President Higgins in June.

South Tipperary Retail Development Programme launched

Commercial rates and development charges are not the only problem facing businesses in South Tipperary.

School cuts to be discussed at Tipperary meeting

A meeting is taking place in Tipperary this week to discuss the fall out from cuts to small schools.

Appeal for information following Cashel robbery

Gardai are appealing for witnesses to a robbery in Cashel last week.

New Tipperary train services start today

A number of new train services between Tipperary and Dublin take effect from this morning.

Tipperary chocolate biscuit cake for export

A small Tipperary food company is celebrating after securing their first export orders.

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