Operations cancelled at South Tipp General

Overcrowding problems at Tipperary's main hospital has led to the postponement of a number of non-emergency procedures.

The numbers of trolleys at South Tipperary General in Clonmel has remained consistently high in recent months.

Management at South Tipp General have been forced to curtail a number of procedures at the hospital due to ongoing pressure on the Emergency Department.

Yesterday the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation reported 30 patients without a bed at the hospital, with 21 on Tuesday and 19 on Monday.

In a statement to Tipp FM Management at the hospital have asked members of the public to only attend in the case of a genuine emergency, advising that where possible a GP or CareDoc out of hours service be consulted in the first instance.
This has also led to the postponement and/or rescheduling of a number of planned non-emergency inpatient procedures. 

Those who have had their procedures postponed will be contacted with a new appointment date as quickly as possible.