Cllr. Kevin O’Meara is calling for a timeline to be issued on the Taking in Charge of the Slieveardagh estate in Grangemockler.
He says that while he appreciates that this is complex especially when it comes to DPI and the work the council has done in dedicating resources to the issue, he feels there is no clarity.
Cllr. O’Meara told Tipp FM that this is a problem across the county and country when it comes to Taking in Charge, and it has left these residents in Slieveardagh with inadequate infrastructure.
“There might be no light in some estates, the footpaths or roads might be in a poor condition – in this one the waste water treatment system is probably the big problem here because it is not fit for purpose at the moment and I know to be far the council are talking to Irish Water on a solution there but it is just taking so long people have no idea is it going to be done this year, is it another three years, or another five years, they really are in limbo someone I am sure has an overall document to say when this report is done we move on to the next stage or put timelines on it and give people some clarity.”
Cllr O’Meara say he just wants to see more information.
“But someone must have a view on what the costing is to do these, like if they have one done and it’s over the line and has it taken three years, five years, what is the cost of that particular estate and then is there a pot of money to get them all over the line over the next three, five, ten years or prioritize them in order of the ones that are causing problems.”