Waterford an example of how UHL Emergency Department should be run

The Junior Health Minister says the overcrowding crisis at UHL will be sorted by copying how things are done at another hospital.

University Hospital Waterford is regularly free of patients being treated on trolleys and rarely has more than a handful waiting for beds.

Mental Health and Older People Minister Mary Butler is a Waterford TD.

Speaking to Tipp FM News on a visit to Clonmel she highlighted the measures that need to be implemented in Limerick.

“When you go into the Emergency Department in University Hospital Waterford there’s 21 clear pathways so if you’re a child you’re filtered straight away into the paediatric ward, if you need an x-ray you go straight to x-ray. 21 different pathways, senior management on the ground at 7.30 in the morning, 2.30 in the afternoon and at 7.30 in the evening which is really, really important. Four different senior managers that rotate every four weeks – full cover at the weekends.”