Survey shows below average satisfaction rating for neo-natal unit at STGH

The number of mothers expressing satisfaction with specialised care at South Tipp General Hospital is significantly below the national average.

The Clonmel hospital was one of 19 taking part in a National Maternity Experience Survey.

It showed 53% of women were happy with the care their baby received in the neo-natal unit at South Tipp General compared with 70% nationally.

Rachel Flynn headed up the report – speaking on Tipp Today earlier she said the infrastructure of individual hospitals can have a bearing on this.

“I suppose it’s well known in terms of the Emergency Department infrastructure in relation to the hospital itself so it could be down to that.”

“What the hospital now needs to explore even further is why are women having poor experiences in the specialised care unit with their baby and trying to rectify that if needs be. I suppose the physical infrastructure is a long term problem as opposed to a short term fix.”