Local dentist in favour of vouchers for medical card holders

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A Roscrea dentist has welcomed recommendations that medical card holders get vouchers for treatment.

The report by the Irish Dental Association suggests vouchers between €100 and €500 to cover more treatments than the current system.

Dr Will Rymer in Roscrea said that this would move us towards improving general dental health.

He told Tipp Today this would break down the limitations of how the medical card currently works for dental work.

“The patient would be allotted a voucher, depending on their need. It would offer the dentist the freedom to offer treatments that aren’t currently available within the limits of that voucher.

“Currently, state patients are able to get their tooth extracted and the cynic in me would say once the tooth is gone the Government don’t have to worry about paying for its maintenance anymore.

“The new system will allow the dentist to pick whatever treatment option is needed, and it gives them the autonomy to provide the necessary treatment.”

He added; “We’re not looking to be able to pay dentists to do more fillings so they get more fees, we’re looking to improve the health of people who need to access medical card dentistry.”