Browne: Lack of information on Cashel CNU a concern

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The HSE is being urged to make a decision once and for all on the Community Nursing Unit planned for Cashel.

It had been thought the existing St Patrick’s Hospital would be the location but the site was deemed not to be suitable for the 60 bed unit.

Attention then turned to a site at Palmers Hill which Deputy Martin Browne says simply doesn’t make sense.

The Sinn Fein TD is suggesting Our Lady’s Hospital in Cashel be adapted for the unit.

“They’re saying that Our Lady’s is 3-bed wards. We’ve asked for them to break it down for us what kind of renovations needed to take one bed out of the wards and then split that ward in two – you’re down then to single bed wards like they have stated and they should be big enough for an ensuite.

“We are waiting for them to come back to us on that and to see where that stands but we still think that that would probably be the best option.”

Martin Browne says the people of Cashel need assurances from the HSE that the Community Nursing Unit will go ahead.

“It’s dragging information out of them the whole time is the problem. For some reason – I don’t know why – they’re not forwarding that information on an awful lot quicker. That’s why we’re saying that the people of Cashel and South Tipperary need certainty at this stage that the CNU will go ahead in Cashel and under this Government if possible. But if we cannot even agree on a site at this stage how long more is it going to be a worry for people.”