Molloy: Anti-social behaviour impacting on Clonmel businesses

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Clonmel town centre is being dealt repeated blows with retail outlets closing according to a local Councillor.

Independent representative Richie Molloy works in the town and says while there are some new outlets opening there has been a steady stream of closures as well.

Councillor Molloy says something needs to be done with spiralling energy costs adding to the problems facing local businesses.

“We can pretend that everything is going fine when there’s the odd shop opening up but we have to face the facts, you know we lost O’Gorman’s Bakery there recently and Mai’s Café near the cinema is closing.

“I spoke to the owner there the other day and basically the energy costs they say are just going through the roof and they just cannot sustain it.

“And for that whole area there when Mai’s Café comes out of it it’s another blow to the town centre and we can’t pretend it’s not happening.”

Richie Molloy says ongoing anti-social behaviour is adding to the problems facing businesses in Clonmel.

He says an improved Garda presence in the town centre would improve the situation.

“If you bring visitors to town and say you’re going down for a cup of coffee… the main town centre it’s very important that people feel safe coming to town. And by and large I don’t want to paint the picture that things are happening every day but I really do think having a Garda presence around the main street – actually walking up and down – would reassure the public. I’ve spoken to the Superintendent and that looks like it’s going to happen as best they can.”