Work will start before then end of the year on a major regeneration plan for Carrick-on-Suir.
GLAS Civil Engineering will start work on-site in the next couple of months for the €2 million first phase of the plan after signing contracts with Tipperary County Council last week.
In all the 5-phase plan will cost almost €18 million with support from the Rural Regeneration Development Fund.
CEO of the local authority Joe MacGrath says this is a huge boost for the South Tipperary town.
The physical works included in Phase 1 are:
– At Sean Healy Park – construction of new footpaths, hard paved areas and widening of the Suir Blueway including associated landscaping and services/utilities to serve the proposed and future uses.
– The Suir Blueway will be extended to connect to North Quay to provide cycleway and pedestrian linkages from Sean Healy Park to Ormond Castle.
– Upgrade of the Castle Street approach to Ormond Castle Park.
– Undertaking of ecological and amenity improvements within Castle Park grounds including new lighting along Strand Walk and repointing of Castle Park walls.