Concerns have been raised about the safety of a new pedestrian crossing in Templemore.
Many locals are said to be extremely unhappy after the introduction of the new crossing on the Main Street
Local Councillor Eddie Moran believes that the pedestrian crossing is a hazard and is extremely unsafe.
He told Tipp Today earlier that the lack of information prior to the works commencing.
“This crossing is only half finished – we’ve no lights, no signage. People just don’t know what’s happening in the town no more than myself so we complained to the Council.
“They blocked it off a bit for the weekend. I was with the contractors this morning – they’re working on it now in the wind and rain. We will have lighting please God there tonight. It will be lit up and properly signposted. It’s the main busy N62 in Templemore.”
Councillor Eddie Moran told Tipp Today earlier that there was no prior discussion at the Municipal District Council.
“No, no – we knew nothing about that. I knew nothing and I was at all the meetings and we didn’t hear anything about it. When I rang the council we were told that it was only temporary – whether it was temporary or not. If I came into the town and parked up for a couple of nights with something that I wasn’t supposed to be parked up with I’d be moved out very, very quick.”