Here’s a little bit about why with SIOBHAN

I’ve worked in TippFM for the last 4 and a half years as part of the admin team!!
I live with my (very bossy) 6 year old boy, Billy. I’ve struggled with my weight since forever and first joined weight watchers at the age of 12… I’ve got an Coca Cola, Coffee and Takeaway addiction and have tried every fad diet going, but ultimately I want to learn how to keep the weight off and find a happy balance.
There is just one problem, the kitchen. I’m not the best cook, and tend to opt for jars and easy to make meals rather than healthy foods! I tend to load up on coffee during the day and not eat until I order us a take-away when I get home!
With a history of diabetes and heart disease in the family, and having gestational diabetes while pregnant, I know that time is off the essence if I want to escape the families health history!
While all of last year, I paid for Gym membership, I think I went about 4 times!… why? Being too self-conscious got the better of me and instead of facing anxiety head on, it was easier to sit at home and eat my emotions away.
I know only too well the struggles of weight and how that can affect your life in so many ways! It stops you socialising, it stops you meeting new people, it stops you doing activities with kids! It’s a never ending battle of emotions, self-esteem and self-doubt!

So here’s to the biggest cliche ever…. NEW YEAR, NEW ME!!