41 more Covid-19 related deaths in the Republic – Tipperary now has 283 confirmed coronavirus cases

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The COVID-19 death toll in the Republic now stands at 571 after a further 41 deaths were reported in the past 24 hours.

There are now 14,758 confirmed cases after 778 more were announced this evening. Tipperary has 283 confirmed cases.

  • 35 deaths located in the east, 2 in the north west and 4 in the west of the country
  • the deaths included 23 females and 18 males
  • the median age of today’s reported deaths is 83
  • 35 people were reported as having underlying health conditions

There have now been 571 COVID-19 related deaths in Ireland.

A summary of all 571 deaths provided by the HPSC shows that:

  • 326 (57%) of those who died were male, 245 (43%) were female
  • the age range is 23 – 105 years
  • the median age of those who died is 83
  • 330 of these cases were admitted to hospital with 46 admitted to ICU

As of 11.15am Saturday 18 April, the HPSC has been notified of the following cases:

  • an additional 630 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported by Irish laboratories
  • an additional 148 confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported by a laboratory in Germany

With the latest figures from Germany included, there are now a total of 14,758 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Ireland.

The HSE is working to identify any contacts the patients may have had to provide them with information and advice to prevent further spread.

Dr. Tony Holohan, Chief Medical Officer, Department of Health, said:

“This week the National Public Health Emergency Team emphasised the importance of testing in interrupting the transmission of COVID-19 in community residential settings including nursing homes.
“This sector remains a priority for our focused attention and we will continue to monitor and support them through this outbreak.”

Cases as of Thursday 16 April

The data from the HPSC, as of midnight, Thursday 16 April (13,746 cases) reveals:

  • 44% are male and 55% are female, with 454 clusters involving 2,964 cases
  • the median age of confirmed cases is 48 years
  • 2,168 cases (16%) have been hospitalised
  • of those hospitalised, 296 cases have been admitted to ICU
  • 3,573 cases are associated with healthcare workers
  • Dublin has the highest number of cases at 6,934 (50% of all cases) followed by Cork with 979 cases (7%)
  • of those for whom transmission status is known: community transmission accounts for 52%, close contact accounts for 43%, travel abroad accounts for 5%


Hospital statistics

Total number of cases 13746
Total number hospitalised 2168
Total number admitted to ICU 296
Total number of deaths 566
Total number of healthcare workers 3573
Number clusters notified 454
Cases associated with clusters 2964
Median age 48

*All statistics measured at midnight on Thursday 16 April.

Gender of patients

Gender Number % of Total
Female 7568 55.1
Male 6048 44
Unknown 130 0.9
Total 13746

*All statistics measured at midnight on Thursday 16 April.

Age range affected

Age Group Number % of Total
<1 28 0.2
1 – 4 48 0.3
5 – 14 142 1
15 – 24 892 6.5
25 – 34 2329 16.9

6|35 – 44|2522|18.3|

45 – 54 2659 19.3
55 – 64 2010 14.6
65+ 3094 22.5
Unknown 22 0.2

*All statistics measured at midnight on Thursday 16 April.

How COVID-19 is spreading

Community transmission 52%
Close contact with confirmed case 43%
Travel Abroad 5%

*All statistics measured at midnight on Thursday 16 April.


In the event that a person tests positive for COVID-19 and hasn’t been abroad or had contact with another confirmed case in Ireland, that’s known as community transmission.

In the event that a person who tests positive for COVID-19 can be linked to another confirmed case in Ireland, that’s known as local transmission.

Hospitalised cases by age group

Age range Number of cases Percentage of total
<5 13 0.6
5 – 14 6 0.3
15 – 24 47 2.2
25 – 34 135 6.2
35 – 44 177 8.2
45 – 54 314 14.5
55 – 64 330 15.2
65+ 1144 52.8
Unknown 2 0.1

*All statistics measured at midnight on Thursday 16 April.

Cases by county

Carlow 69 0.5%
Cavan 353 2.6%
Clare 151 1.1%
Cork 979 7.1%
Donegal 369 2.7%
Dublin 6934 50.4%
Galway 273 2%
Kerry 256 1.9%
Kildare 684 5%
Kilkenny 188 1.4%
Laois 147 1.1%
Leitrim 46 0.3%
Limerick 382 2.8%
Longford 83 0.6%
Louth 406 3%
Mayo 273 2%
Meath 461 3.4%
Monaghan 170 1.2%
Offaly 177 1.3%
Roscommon 74 0.5%
Sligo 70 0.5%
Tipperary 283 2.1%
Waterford 110 0.8%
Westmeath 332 2.4%
Wexford 85 0.6%
Wicklow 391 3%

*All statistics measured at midnight on Thursday 16 April.

≤ means ‘less than or equal to’.