Week left to register for Local Elections Vote

However, the deadline for postal and special voting ends today, with all applications due to be submitted to the local authority.

On Friday May 23rd thousands of people will taking to polling stations right across North and South Tipperary to cast their ballots for a new look slightly reduced joint authority.

In order to vote, people must check that they are on the register of electors to receive their polling card- and they can do so by going onto checktheregister.ie.

If you are not included then you can still join the supplementary register and its deadline is Tuesday May 6th – Applications are available at North and South Tipp County Councils and they must be signed in th presence of a garda.

Meanwhile the deadlin to be included on the suplmentary for postal or special votes is today p and that includes people who are unable to attend a polling station due to a physical illness or disability or is resident in a hospital, nursing home or similar institution.