Temperatures to soar to 30 degrees

 Met Éireann has issued a Status Yellow weather warning – with temperatures are expected to soar to 30 degrees in some places.

The hot weather is due to a warm air mass that's moved across the country from southern Europe.

But enjoy it while you can.

Met Éireann forecaster John Eagleton, says the high temperatures won't last.

Irish Water Safety is warning us to play it safe in the current hot spell.

The organisation's advising people to swim at beaches with life guards if possible.

Five swimmers have drowned so far this year. 

The IWS says 62% of drownings occur inland on waterways. 

John Leech of Irish Water Safety says parents need to be very vigilant near water:


Tips have been issued to help pet owners take care of their animals in today's soaring temperatures. 

Animal protection organisation PETA suggests keeping dogs indoors and sticking to only gentle exercise.

It says you should alert the authorities if you spot a dog in a locked car.