Quinn Challanges Taoiseach’s Authority Over Garda Commissioner

Ruairi Quinn has defied the Taoiseach by publicly calling on the Garda Commissioner to withdraw comments about the penalty points whistleblowers.

His statement last night came only hours after the Taoiseach told ministers to raise their concerns in private.

Ruairi Quinn didn't say anything new in his statement last night – simply saying it would be “helpful” if Martin Callinan withdrew his comments describing the actions of Maurice McCabe and John Wilson as “disgusting”.

But the timing of the remarks was crucial – as it came only hours after Enda Kenny warned ministers to stop airing their grievances in public.

Speaking in Brussels yesterday he said ministers should raise their concerns in private at Cabinet level – and not out in the open.

Ruairi Quinn's statement came hours after the Taoiseach's remarks – raising question marks over Enda Kenny's authority.

The Taoiseach now finds himself at odds with four of the five Labour ministers in his cabinet – suggesting some deep divides between the government parties.