Plans for discount food store in Killaloe shot down

Aldi had been granted permission by Clare County Council to proceed with plans for a new outlet in the town on the shores of Lough Derg

However, an appeal was lodged with An Bord Pleanala against this decision.

German retailer Aldi planned a sixteen hundred square metre store with an off licence at Abbey Street opposite the existing Convent Hill shopping centre in Killaloe.

The one hectare site was also to include parking for 122 cars which would serve both the store and provide public parking.

Following the granting of permission by the local authority two 3rd party appeals were lodged with An Bord Pleanala.

Their concerns related to among other things traffic, zoning and the impact of the development on the Deanery – a nearby protected structure.

The An Bord Pleanala inspector recommended refusal which was backed by the planning appeals board on the grounds that the development would be visually obtrusive in the context of the Deanery as well as resulting in the loss of mature trees and would set an undesirable precedent for further such development.

It was also considered the scale and intensity of the planned Aldi development would contravene the existing zoning objective of the local authority for Killaloe.