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  • The Lunchtime Show with Stephen Keogh
    Text 083 311 3311
    Call 0818 464 464
    Monday, 12:00 -14:59


Violence breaks out in Calais migrant camp

Security’s tight at a migrant camp in Calais, where people have clashed with officials who’ve been bulldozing part of the site.

TD’s focus on the future after election result

Tipperary’s newly elected TDs are already turning their attention to the task in hand.

Trolley figures increase in Tipp

Trolley Watch figures are on the rise again in Tipperary.

Meeting of outgoing government tomorrow

The outgoing Fine Gael-Labour cabinet will meet tomorrow afternoon, for the first time since the election.

Strike ballot threatened over Tesco plans

Trade Union Mandate has warned Tesco that they will ballot their 14,000 strong workforce on industrial action if they go ahead with cuts to workers’ pay.

“Uncertainty” forecast by officials on British EU exit

In Britain leading officials say leaving the European Union would lead to “up to a decade or more of uncertainty” for the country.

Outbreak of violence between police and refugees

French riot police have used tear gas to help dismantle the so-called ‘Jungle’ refugee camp in Calais.

Snapchat employee info lost in phishing scam

It’s emerged a Snapchat payroll employee sent-out sensitive information about 700 current and former staff members after falling for a phishing scam.

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