On-Air Now

  • The Lunchtime Show with Stephen Keogh
    Text 083 311 3311
    Call 0818 464 464
    Monday, 12:00 -14:59


Nursing strike possible

A nurses and midwives strike could be on the cards, if one group of graduates doesn’t receive a pay rise.

Bus strike called off pending talks

Talks between unions and management at Dublin Bus will resume this morning.

Age Action call for improved services for older people

More than half of older people could stay in their own homes if more support services were available.

Gardaí appeal after aggravated Clonmel burglary

Substantial sum of money taken

Dublin Bus and unions to meet today

Further strikes scheduled for 9pm tonight

Tipp village takes Tidy Towns crown

Birdhill has been named as Ireland’s Tidiest Village for 2016

Anger in Tipp town over loss of company

Refusal by local authority to rezone land

Aiséirí note increase in demand for its services

Provides support for people suffering with addiction

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