Irish MEP says €5 million payment to FAI should be given back to FIFA

Mr Kelly says the FAI should never have taken the money.

He says the payout was 'damaging to Ireland' and that it set a dangerous precedent.

The Ireland South MEP was speaking at the European Parliament in Strasbourg which will be debating the recent FIFA scandals this week.

“I think actually the 5 million should be given back because of the way it was given to us, and then given back to us as a grand which I think we'd be entitled to I think for the development of the stadium” he said.

“That would probably draw a link under it and clear it up for everybody”.

“Certainly a lot of people – even I saw Jose Mourinho and many more – were unhappy with the way it was done”.

“It probably reflects the whole way that Blatter operated at the top – and that has to change” he added.