Rents in Tipperary rose by 12.4% in the first quarter of 2022 compared to the same period last year.
According to property website the average listed rent in the Premier County is now €1,045 – up 82% from its lowest point.
Rents in Munster rose 12.6% year-on-year, reflecting very low availability – just 131 homes were available to rent on May 1st which is down over two thirds year-on-year.
They increased by nearly 11 per cent in Dublin – and the average rent nationwide is almost €1,600 a month.
Author of Daft’s report, Ronan Lyons, says rental prices are growing very sharply outside the capital.
“In Leitrim rents are up 25% year-on-year so we’re still seeing in percentage terms the cities have smaller inflation rates than in rural areas.
The exceptions to that are Limerick and Waterford cities where we are seeing particularly high rates of inflation – more than likely related to the fact that they are the cheaper of the five cities to find rental accommodation.”