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  • The Lunchtime Show with Stephen Keogh
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    Monday, 12:00 -14:59


Planning application lodged for new housing development in Clonmel

A planning application has been lodged for a new housing development in Clonmel. The Cluid Housing Association is seeking permission from Tipperary County Council for...

Tipp leads the way with new planning idea

An innovative approach to planning by Tipperary County Council is being seen as a boost to villages in the Premier. The local authority is leading...

Tipp rent increases to put huge pressure on families

Tipperary County Council is being called on to delay the introduction of rent increases for local authority tenants. The hikes - which have been widely...

Figures indicate possible boost in Tipp construction.

The number of planning applications coming before Tipperary County Council has shown a marked increase in recent years. Last year there was an 18% rise...

Council stands by rent changes

People across the county are continuing to voice their concerns and frustrations over hikes in their council rents. Tipperary County Council has rolled out a...

Rent rate change in Tipperary to affect thousands in council housing

People in local authority housing in Tipperary have been reacting to the news that their rent rates are set to change. The 9 separate Differential...

€33 increase in Tipperary rents over the last year

Figures from the Residential Tenancies Board show house rentals in the Premier County are still €400 a month below the national average. The average rent...

Welcome for housing adaptation grants

€3.1 million in grant aid will have a hugely positive impact on the lives of elderly and disabled people in Tipperary. Grants are available to...

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