“Sightsaver Bus” ready for first Belfast trip

Photo from Pixabay

A dedicated bus service has been established to bring people from Tipperary to Belfast for medical procedures.

There are people in the county who have been on waiting lists for years for cataract, hip, knee and other operations, but, through the Cross Border Directive could get the treatments they need faster.

However, the issue with transport has prevented some and this week Commissioner of Oaths for Tipperary John O’Heney announced that after two clinics in Tipp Town and Cashel the ‘Sightsaver Bus’ will make its first trip this month.

John says a huge amount of work has gone into this with local businessman John James Cotter providing a luxury bus for the service.

He told Tipp FM that there is widespread demand for this across the county.

“Cataract operations are the most popular and most common procedures that people have been looking for. However the waiting lists are incredibly long at the minute.

“So while people would have gone for these procedures maybe in Cork or Limerick or Dublin the demand is so fierce that they’re not able to keep up with it.

“Two particular people coming on our bus on the 28th have been waiting four years each. One particular person got one of his eyes done back in 2019 – now we’re in 2023 and he’s still on a waiting list to get the other eye seen to.”

The ‘Sightsaver Bus’ will make its first trip Kingsbridge Hospital this month.

People from Tipperary will be able to travel directly from Tipp town – via Cashel for the first time – something John says was desperately needed.

He told Tipp FM that while this service goes from the West of the county it is open to everyone and says he sees this as something that should and could be expanded.

“I’m only just doing this on a voluntary basis so its in my own spare time that I’ve rolled it out. But I suppose due to the demand a lot of people have now contacted me now that they see its going ahead and its been set up. So myself and Niamh from the hospital in Belfast have decided to hold another clinic perhaps towards the end of May.”