Major push to raise awareness of COPD in Tipp

Today is World COPD Day with many people in Tipperary unaware that they may be suffering from the illness.

Latest figures estimate that there are 380,000 people living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Ireland, yet less than a third of these have been formally diagnosed.

At least 1,500 people die here each year of COPD, while over 15,000 people are admitted to hospital with the disease.

Pearl Sheehan is part of the Clonmel COPD Support Group.

“COPD in simple layman’s terms is lung disease or emphysema and its very common but not a lot of people know about it. A lot of people would not know that they have it but if you have cough that’s lasting a long time you need to get that checked out. If you’ve been a smoker, if you’ve worked in certain environments like a miner or with asbestos you’d really want to it checked out.”

The Clonmel COPD Support Group hold an exercise class in Moyle Rovers every Tuesday morning.