Government formation talks continue with FG and Ind

A special Dáil sitting may be called for tomorrow (Friday) to allow for the re-election of Enda Kenny as Taoiseach. 

Talks with independents intensified yesterday with a view to concluding a deal as soon as possible. 

They did break up earlier than expected late last night with some expecting they may have continued through to the early hours. 

It's understood significant progress was made in key areas that had been difficult – including rural affairs, justice and health. 

One source close to the talks said 'an end is now in sight' 

It's understood that when talks resume later this morning a programme for Government will be presented which the Independents will be asked to sign up to. 

If such an agreement is concluded then it’s likely a special Dáil sitting will be called for tomorrow to allow for Enda Kenny be re-elected Taoiseach, 70 days after the nation voted.