Local Gardaí urge responsible behaviour this weekend

Photo:© Pat Flynn

As we head into the weekend Gardaí in Tipperary are urging people to be responsible if out socialising.

There have been a number of arrests for drink driving in recent weeks while officers have also had to deal with quite a few public order incidents.

Clonmel based Sgt Joe Reville has this advice.

“If you are going to go out make arrangements to get home – just to reiterate never ever drink and drive.

“And also if you out on the town and you’re drinking – socialise responsibly. Don’t cause any issues for other people out and about as well.”

Meanwhile Gardaí in Tipperary are well equipped to crack down on numerous driving offences thanks to new technology.

As well as the usual speed checks the Mobility App and Automatic Number Plate Recognition system can flag issues with insurance.

Sgt Joe Reville says anyone stopped by Gardaí over the weekend will have little chance of hiding the consumption of either alcohol or drugs.

“When we stop a vehicle now not only do we have the Drager for testing alcohol levels on the breath but now we have the drug wipes which will test for the presence of drugs in your system. And that can test for the presence of drugs for a number of days after you’ve consumed them.”