Former TD says FG-FF-Labour pact will divide up control of Tipperary Co Co

Tom Hayes. Photo © Tipp FM

A former local TD says he thinks Fianna Fail and Fine Gael Councillors are negotiating a pact with the Labour Party to control the local authority for the next five years.

The first plenary meeting of the newly-elected Tipperary County Council takes places next Friday when a new Cathaoirleach will be elected.

The traditional two main parties have 10 members each and between them make up half the total of 40.

Labour has tripled their representation to three and can hold the balance of power despite the high numbers of independents elected last weekend in the county.

Former Fine Gael Cllr and TD Tom Hayes says that’s the obvious way to ensure a constructive working majority:

”And I think it would be a good and constructive council.
When I went in in 1991, that was the first time we ever had dealings with Fianna Fail. We coalesced and it has been there since. And, you know, it has stood a test of time.
So, that was sort of distribution of power on the local authority.

”And local authority is now, today, going to have to be constructive about doing their business because when they’re going to the (government) Departments,
for funding, you know.”

When asked what his advice for Taoiseach Simon Harris would be about when to call a general election he said:

”Well, I think to be sensible about it, get the budget through, and get all the details of the budget put through, and call the election after that.

”I think there’s no reason now not to bring forward the budget to sometime in September or early October.

”I fought two very, very difficult February elections, I would totally be opposed to a February election, because it’s a bad time of the year, with people not having as much money.

”I think if you’re in a good budget, you know, look after the pensioners, look after the people, and go and test the waters then, and I think I’d love to have it over at the end of October or earlier.”