Delight for Tipp Leaving Cert students as results released

Over 2,000 sat the exams with many schools expressing delight with the results achieved by their pupils many of whom are now celebrating with family and friends.

Nationwide 58 thousand received results today with one student in Mayo getting 9 A1s and 8 others around the country getting 8 A1s.

The Minister for Education says she will keep the maths results in the Leaving Cert under review.

The proportion of students failing high level maths has risen for the third year in a row.

Almost one third of candidates sat the higher level paper this year and the failure rate has risen to 5.2 percent up from 4.2 last year.

However Minister O'Sullivan insists the failure rate is within norms.

“It's round about the average for maths, science subjects generally – in fact there are higher numbers in physics and chemistry, for example” she said.

“So it's pretty much within the norms – but we will keep it under review because it's relatively recently that the changes were made”.

“I think it is important that we make sure that it is working properly, but the evidence suggests that we now have students taking the paper and students doing pretty well” she added.