Council unable to act on Old Cashel Kings Hotel site due to court proceedings

Photo from: Geograph Ireland by P L Chadwick

There are calls for council to carry out an investigation at the Old Cashel Kings Hotel site.

However, the local authority cannot act for the time being.

There are concerns that the property on Dublin Road in Cashel is a serious security and safety risk.

Cllrs. want to see it placed on the Derelict Sites Register and for interaction with the developer to erect security fencing around it to prevent anti-social and criminal behavior from occurring.

However, the property has been the subject of legal proceedings instigated by the owner of the property against the Council and these proceedings are ongoing, and currently before the High Court.

Due to the current circumstances and pending a determination by the Court on these proceedings, the Council is not be in a position to take action in relation to the property.

They told councillors that to do so could be prejudicial to the Council`s position in the High Court and to the eventual outcome.

The property is privately owned and the primary responsibility for securing the property rests with the owner.