Proposed workshops for Tipp businesses on improving online presence

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There are proposals to roll out workshops for businesses in Tipperary on how to update and improve their online presence.

Cllr. Joe Hannigan says that while the voucher scheme which allowed local enterprises to establish their website and other social channels, it is important this is refreshed.

The council’s economic development office Karen Prendergast agreed that it was important that it was crucial for businesses in the premier to further digitise.

Cllr. Hannigan has asked that the council look into hosting a series of workshops across the county in the coming months :

“We as a council have encouraged business to go with t online voucher scheme and what we are saying here is if the enterprise section of the council would run a few, call them workshops, for businesses sin the county to attend to demonstrate to them how best they can promote their business online and the need to constantly be updating their platforms and what not.”

He also said that many local entrepreneurs reported their on line sales this year were higher than that of their in person sales, demonstrating the need for this push.

The council gave an assurance to look into the feasibility of educational training sessions:

“The enterprise section of the local authority… did give an undertaking that she would organise such workshops and I think people, and businesses should look out for those they would be a major plus for how they can promote their business online.”