It’s all part of efforts to rejuvenate the diocese amid falling ministries and the need to involve parishioners more in the local running of the Catholic Church.
However some feel this latest move ostrisises women from having any meaningful involvement in church matters – something the diocese strongly refutes.
Bishop Kieran O'Reilly has sent a pastoral letter to parishes across the diocese which includes 14 here in North Tipperary and a further five on the Offaly border calling for laymen to be part of the permanentdiaconate.
The positions are only open to men which has generated disquiet from a number of quarters given the increased role both men and women now play in the Catholic Church as it struggles with numbers
A public meeting on the issue is set to be held in the Old Clare Inn – now the Inn at Dromoland in Clare next Monday night.
One of those involved Kathleen McDonald Feels the action's of the Bishop brings an added layer of “maleness” in the church
However Diocesan spokesperson Father Brendan Quinlivan denies the Bishop was trying to demean the roles of any layperson involved in the church.