A&E staff under pressure again

The Clonmel health facility is the worst affected in the South East Region. 

Latest figures from the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation show there's been very little respite for under pressure health workers in Tipperary as trolley figures start to mount again.

Today there are 28 people on temporary beds both in the ED and on the wards – with 21 of the patients being treated in the Emergency Unit.

In contrast – the situation at University Hospital Limerick which caters for North Tipperary patients – appears to have eased considerably today with the numbers on trolleys at 2.

South Tipperary General along with Saint Lukes in Kilkenny are the worst affected in the South East  – however other hospitals in the region are also under pressure with 9 patients waiting for a bed in CUH and a further 8 in Waterford.