New monthly coffee evening to take place in Clonmel

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A monthly coffee evening will take place in South Tipp starting next week.

The Clonmel Remembrance Group are organising the event which will aim to cater to those who can’t usually attend coffee mornings due to work or other commitments.

Community activist Thomas Ryan is one of the organisers and he said that the idea behind the monthly meet ups is to get people out of the house and get to meet new people.

Speaking to Tipp Today, Thomas said that each coffee evening will have a theme.

“From next month onwards, we’re going to be little themes where we’re going to do maybe like a pairs quiz, so come in twos and we’ll do a little quiz one month, another month we’re going to do a little bit of crocheting and then maybe May/June we might look at doing something in regards mental health – a little talk and getting people out – so it’s just something different.”

The first coffee evening will take place on the 16th of February at 7.30pm in the hall of the Church of the Resurrection on the Fethard Road, Clonmel.