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  • The Lunchtime Show with Stephen Keogh
    Text 083 311 3311
    Call 0818 464 464
    Monday, 12:00 -14:59


Proposed new legislation for charities sector

The Social democrats are proposing better regulations for the charity sector, including plans for a new anti corruption agency.

Emergency response plan to Sudan crisis

International aid agencies are implementing emergency response plans in South Sudan after the latest outbreak of violence.

Anti racism demos being held nationwide

Hundreds are expected at anti-racism demonstrations around the country this evening.

2 bailiffs killed in US shooting

In the US - two bailiffs have died and a deputy sheriff has been wounded in a shooting at a courthouse in Michigan.

New research questions value of multivitamins during pregnancy

Multivitamins aimed at pregnant women are an “unnecessary expense” with no proven benefits for most mums-to-be or their babies.

Racing in Killarney and Dundalk

The July Festival at Killarney continues on with the Bourn Vincent Memorial Handicap Chase set to provide the big prize on today’s seven-race card.

Murphy speaks on FG leadership debate

A prominent Fine Gael Councillor in Tipperary says party leader Enda Kenny should be allowed to chose when he steps down.

McGrath asks for clarification over South Tipp future

The Health Minister is being asked to clarify exactly what the future holds for the Emergency Department at Tipperary’s main hospital.

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