Tipp workplace fatality numbers increase

Figures from the Health and Safety Authority show 44 people lost their lives in 2016 in incidents on farms, construction and other places of work.

Three people lost their lives in workplace incidents in Tipperary in 2016.

This is up from 2 the previous year and goes against the national trend.

The Health and Safety Authority recorded 44 deaths in workplaces across the country last year – down from 56 in 2015.

Work-related deaths on farms remain high with all three fatalities in Tipperary in this category.

In all 21 people lost their lives in farm related incidents.

Construction fatalities were down to nine in 2016, from 11 in 2015.

The county with the highest number of fatalities in 2016 was Cork with eight reported, followed by Kerry and Meath with four each.