Italian man committed to CMH for killing of Tom O’Gorman

Forensic Psychiatrist Damien Mohan said while the 36 year old had made great progress in his condition in recent months, he needs ongoing supervision of his condition in a secure facility.

Dr Mohan agreed with two forensic psychiatrists at Mr Bellante’s trial that he was suffering from acute schizophrenia.

Mr Bellante admitted killing his landlord at the house they shared in Castleknock in Dublin in January last year.

Judge Margaret Heneghan ordered that Mr Bellante return to the Central Mental Hospital. 

In a victim impact statement, Tom O’Gorman’s sister Catherine asked that her brother be remembered not how he died, but how he lived.

Ms O’Gorman said that the impact on their lives was impossible to articulate and that their loss and heartbreak would be unending.