Locals say part of the fabric of Borrisokane is being removed

Photo: © Tipp FM

The decision to move 80 refugees who have been living in Borrisokane for a number of years is causing considerable upset in the town.

The group have settled in the town and have been calling the Riverside Apartments home since 2019.

They recently received eviction notices from the Department of Integration to make way for International Protection Applicants.

Margaret Donnelly is from the Borrisokane Liaison Group says people in the town feel like they are losing part of their community.

“Honestly we couldn’t have foreseen how well it has all gone over the past almost five years now. I mean its been extraordinary how welcome the families have been, how integrated they are into the community of Borrisokane – the schools, the clubs, everything.

The community are I think shell-shocked, disgusted because they want to stay within the area of Borrisokane because that’s now where their roots are – they have become the fabric of Borrisokane as well.”