Local input sought on new Economic and Community Plan for Tipperary

People are being asked to help shape the future of community and economic development in Tipperary.

The local authority here is preparing a new LECP for the period 2023-2028 and hope to get local input to decide what is needed for the next five years.

The Local Economic and Community Plan will provide a strategic framework for integrated and sustainable economic and community development across the county.

It will be evidence based and informed by extensive research including consultation which is currently taking place.

Tipperary County Council has prepared a draft Socio-Economic Statement and this sets out the purpose of the LECP and a draft vision statement for the new plan.

They are appealing to any person or group interested to help them with this vision for Tipperary and provide feedback on their proposed goals.

The goals focus on the key themes of climate action, community and local development, economic development, and health and wellbeing.

You can have your say through the online survey available on the Tipperary County Council website or through written submission both of which close on the 14th of July.
More info on the survey : https://www.tipperarycoco.ie/community/community/community-latest-news/2023/have-your-say-local-economic-community-plan-survey

A hard copy is also available on request from the Community Department.
Please email [email protected].