Beauty standards create ‘heightened pressure’ says local salon owner


A local salon owner says beauty standards are creating a heightened pressure for women nowadays.

While Laura Moloney, a beauty therapist and owner of Laurel Beauty in Clonmel, says that these pressures are pushed on both men and women through social media it is more often women who are targeted.

She says that we have to remember that the people seen online make a living looking a certain way and ‘it is not our job to look like that’.

Laura says that women are free to choose what treatments or enhancements they would like, however, it may not get to the core of the problem:

“I’m all for get the botox, get the nose job , get the lip fillers , get whatever you want if that boosts your confidence…. But no amount of botox or boob jobs is going to boost your confidence if your confidence is already on the ground”.