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  • Tipp Today Repeat with Fran Curry
    Text 083 311 3311
    Call 0818 464 464
    Saturday, 00:00 -01:59


Cahir losing out due to continued closure of tourist attractions

The urgent need to allow OPW sites such as Cahir Castle and the Swiss Cottage to reopen has been brought to the attention of...

Busy weekend expected on Expressway bus routes

Bus Éireann is advising some customers to avoid peak times on some of its routes including one busy service through Tipperary. The company says that...

Kelly calls for full restoration of disability services

The Labour Party leader is calling on the Government to produce a road map for the full reopening of disability services. Tipperary deputy Alan Kelly...

Broad welcome for reopening of iconic Cashel landmark

The reopening of the Rock of Cashel is being described as "the final piece of the jigsaw" in getting life back into the town. The...

Covid-19: No new deaths & 14 new cases – Tipperary total unchanged

There have been no new deaths reported to the Health Protection Surveillance Centre today. There has now been a total of 1,764 COVID-19 related deaths...

Tipp bus operator says some colleagues on the brink of closure

A Tipperary bus operator says they have not received any assistance as part of the Government's €375 million plan to reopen schools. Liam Toohey from...

Cahir counting cost of lockdown

A long established Tipperary businessman says Covid-19 has had an absolutely devastating impact on tourist towns like Cahir. John Quirke opened his jewelers shop in...

Tipp ETB determined to have schools ready to reopen

The Chief Executive of Tipperary ETB is reassuring parents and students that they've been considering plans for the reopening of schools for many months. Concerns...

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