Local Gardaí continue with a major road safety campaign over the Bank Holiday weekend.
They are asking us to slow down, not use our pohones while driving, and never to get behind the wheel under the influence of drink or drugs
Three people were killed on the roads yesterday in two seperate crashes in Carlow and Dublin.
Extra Gardai will be out on the roads over the weekend with extra checkpoints being mounted.
On Tuesday January 21st Gardaí on patrol in the general Thurles area noticed a car being driven in an erratic manner.
Crime Prevention Officer in Tipp Sgt John McCormack says they stopped the vehicle as a result of what they have observed.
“It was clear when they spoke to the driver that he was intoxicated – he was arrested and conveyed to Thurles garda station.
“A drug swipe test returned a positive so that’s a good detection from the members on the ground there.”